Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Article in a Korean Journal

My article titled, "Korean language education and Korean studies collections in Sri Lanka", was published in "Trends in Korean Studies Libraries" no. 02, an international journal published by the National Library of Korea. You may view the article through the following link:


In my article, I have discussed about the past and the present status of Korean language studies in Sri Lanka. I also have given attention on the Korean language collections in Sri Lanka.

Bibliographic Control in South Korea

On 12th February, I presented a paper on "Bibliographic Control in South Korea" at the Achievers' Colloquium of the University Librarians Association (ULA) of Sri Lanka held at the Open University of Sri Lanka.

There, I discussed the bibliographic control initiatives in South Korea with special reference to the national bibliographic control. I also discussed possible initiatives for the national library service in Sri Lanka, as per my experiences.

See the presentation here: http://www.slideshare.net/guestf64e49/bibliographic-control-in-south-korea

See the abstract here: http://www.ulasl.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=139